Monday 18 November 2013

Juice Cleanse And Raw Love

I decided to do a 5 day juice cleanse. My highest intentions were to give my digestive system a break, flush out my body, and clear up my skin. I definitely accomplished all of those.

     In March I was a raw vegan for a couple months, and feeling on top of the world! I was losing weight, had enormous amounts of energy, running 5k 6 times a week, and best of all my skin was glowing! Beginning of May I "fell off the train"...I was hanging out with a couple people who had bad habits, and one exception led to another an before I knew it I was just plain old vegan. My skin got really bad, I was tired all the time, wasn't going to the gym, etc etc etc. I knew how great I felt eating raw and decided I deserved to feel that way again. Now I'm conducting the train and I got my seat belt on so I'm not falling of this bitch again.

     Today is the final day of my 5 day Juice Fast (I prefer the word Feast because there's a HUGE amount of produce consumed) and I feel so amazing. I expected the first few days to be horrible. I thought I'd have food cravings, maybe feel lethargic and depressed, but I felt a huge energy rush! I was doing my usual lazy morning workout (20 reps of crunches and squats, etc,) and I felt this huge need to be jumping! I did.
     My Mom hates this about me, but I'm a huge "Too Much Information" kind of person. Thought I'd preface that before my next statement, BUT it's important and I'm a human being so suck it up. The first night of my juice cleanse, I had an amazing poop. I thought I was done, and I wasn't. and I thought I was done, and I wasn't. It was heavy and sludgy. Now I've heard of people having this kind of bowl movement when they do a cleanse, or when they first go vegetarian, and I'm sorry, but EVERYONE needs to have this kind of poop way more often then...well never.
    At this point I feel so good, I think I'd like to take 3 days out of every month to clean out my body and giv'er a break.

I couple of my Favorite juice recipes are;

Apple, kale, fennel, lemon.
Pineapple, kale, kiwi.
Kale, cucumber, celery, apple, lemon.
Apple, pomegranate.


<3 Holly

1 comment:

  1. My dear Holly. I don't hate anything about you because I love you! Of course you are an over-sharer. That's just your way. Love the blog and can't wait to read each new post. Mom.
